You Can Be A VIP Buyer and Beat Other Buyers
To Hot New Listings

How To Receive a Daily Printout of ALL New Listings That Match Your
Home Buying Criteria E-mailed to You FREE of Charge

Here's how it works...
You will get a FREE consultation with a HomeFinder Program specialist, and together you will create a profile in the Multiple Listing Service (the REAL thing), including the type of home you want, with the features you want, in the areas where you want to live, and at the price you want to pay. You'll get daily updates of all the home listings that match your home buying criteria e-mailed to you daily, and ABSOLUTELY FREE of charge. You get first pick of homes that interest You, and the ability to beat other buyers to the hottest new listings on the market.

So instead of having a realtor drag you from house to house wasting your time showing you many homes that don't interest you... Our HomeFinder Program allows you to pick which homes you want to view before other buyers even know about them. Because you're there first, before most other buyers, we are able to negotiate the lowest possible price for you. Most importantly your time isn't wasted viewing homes that don't interest you.

To sign up for this no obligation service, please fill out the form below..............